Towards Quantifying and Reducing Language Mismatch Effects in Cross-Lingual Speech Anti-Spoofing

T. Liu, I. Kukanov, Z. Pan, Q. Wang, H. B. Sailor, K. A. Lee

IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT) 2024, Macau, China

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  • It is estimated that language mismatch effect can cause a relative performance reduction of over 15%. This highlights the need for models that are robust across different languages.
  • Data augmentation using TTS with diverse accents (ACCENT) can effectively mitigate language mismatch effects
  • The ACCENT method is promising for multilingual and low-resource language scenarios.
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  title={Towards Quantifying and Reducing Language Mismatch Effects in Cross-Lingual Speech Anti-Spoofing}, 
  author={Tianchi Liu and Ivan Kukanov and Zihan Pan and Qiongqiong Wang and Hardik B. Sailor and Kong Aik Lee},